Rosalind Gleichner

Interests: Swimming, Feminism, Fashion, Travel

As a seasoned swimmer and menstrual health advocate, Rosalind Gleichner is deeply committed to breaking down the stigmas associated with periods. She displays her passion by promoting menstrual-friendly swimwear and offering practical advice through her unique blend of personal experiences and expert insights. Her articles serve as a guiding light for those navigating menstrual health and wellness.

Articles By This Author

Period Pads vs Tampons: A Detailed Comparative Review
Menstrual Products Menstrual Health and Wellness

Period Pads vs Tampons: A Detailed Comparative Review

Dive into our comprehensive review between period pads and tampons. Explore their design, use, types and learn from user experiences. Weigh the pros and cons, consider expert advice, and take a quiz to find the best choice for your menstrual health.

How Sex Can Impact Your Menstrual Cycle: Getting to the Bottom of the Misconceptions
Menstrual Health and Wellness Period and Sex Period Myths and Facts

How Sex Can Impact Your Menstrual Cycle: Getting to the Bottom of the Misconceptions

Explore the intriguing intersection of sex and your menstrual cycle in our latest blog post. We dive deep into how sexual activity can alter period timing and symptoms, debunk widespread myths, and share expert insights. Empower yourself with knowledge and take control of your menstrual health.